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Download KillWatcher v1.52

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This is a NetWatcher- SMB monitor from NetView  + network resources enumerator and pinger of selected computers


Monitoring connections in real-time
Logging connections
Can disconnect any users or all connected users
Can disconnect users by hotkey
Has kick and keep lists. Users from kicklist disconnects automatically, users from keep list don't disctonnects even if Kick all options enabled
Can quickly hide/show any share/all shares.
Control Windows NT/2000/XP Server service by one mouseclick.
Pinging selected hosts and alerting when they goes online
Any network resource can be opened from tray-area icon's context menu

Versions history

[24/10/2004] v1.52

[FIXED] Ping list can't be switched off by context menu

[FIXED] Values was reset to zero by pressing Enter

[ADDED] Save log every specified cound of seconds. By default - 20 minutes (1200 seconds)

[16/08/2004] v1.51

[FIXED] Memory leak

[FIXED] High CPU usage after show/hide window

[16/05/2004] v1.50

[ADDED] NETBIOS shares in Ping list

[ADDED] Ping list now can be updated from context menu

[ADDED] "No pipes" option

[ADDED] "Hide additional info in active" option

[CHANGED] Opened files showed for user only matched share opened by user found

[20/09/2003] v1.41

[FIXED] Problems with restoring disabled shares under Win'9x

[ADDED] Notification icon baloon hints on connections

[ADDED] Now you can specify usernames in lists

[08/09/2003] v1.4

[FIXED] Popup list didn't work

[ADDED] Boosted kick mode option to provide more reliable users kicking

[ADDED] Ping list. Add here any hosts or IPs and KillWatcher will ping they in idle and shows which are online

[ADDED] Connect alert sound - sound which will be played on any pinged host goes online

[22/06/2003] v1.34

[FIXED] Shutdown problems

[FIXED] Kick all option didn't saved

[ADDED] Skip list for computer, wich you want to be not logged

[CHANGED] You can specify both hostnames or IPs in lists

[28/04/2003] v1.32

[FIXED] Logs were not saved on system shutdown

[CHANGED] KillWatcher now minimizes by click on Close window button



[FIXED] Shares sometimes were not restored correctly on Win'9x\ME


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